A piece of Africa in Florence
Ndbele Painting at the Mandela Forum
The five panels at the entrance of the Mandela Forum have been painted between the 27th of September and October the 3d 2010 by 7 South
African artists . The painting was donated to the Nelson Mandela Forum by the South African Ministry of Arts and Culture.
The artistic work was guided and inspired by Esther Mahlangu, an artist belonging to the Ndebele community. She is one of the main
representatives of an artistic heritage handed down from mother to daughter, an heritage that Esther and her school have innovated and opened to the world.
The mural was painted using acrylic paint. Following the Ndebele tradition all shapes have been painted freehand. The seemingly abstract
shapes are drawn from daily life.
} http://www.lagazzettadelsudafrica.net/Articoli/~
} http://press.comune.fi.it/hcm/hcm5353-1_2_1-Il+~
} http://www.goldworld.it/arti-visive/murale-mand~
} http://www.ilmiogiornale.org/inaugurazione-del-~
} http://www.avisoaperto.it/?p=7615
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