The management
Palasport Association
The Palasport of Firenze association, constituted by Claudio Bertini, Buchetti Rosetta and Gramigni Massimo, has place of business in the Viale Malta n. 6 in Firenze. On September 22nd, 2003, with a deliberation of I advise municipal n. 649/99, he has received the adhesion of the Council Of Firenze and it is the Juridical Recognition Of The Tuscan Area in course. With a deliberation no. 113 every Thursday July 28th, 2005 the Province Of Firenze has adhered to the Palasport Association Of Firenze.
The association has the purpose to manage the Palace Of The Sport Of Firenze, Mandela Forum today, placed Live Of Mars, comprehensive of building, Pertinential areas, plants and equipment.
Extracted from the Charter of the Palasport Association of Firenze – Art. n. 2 – SCOPE (…) “The association aimed to render a service to the citizenship and to all the territory by means of a management of the structure that, pursuing the economization criterion and having with regard to the corrected equilibrium between expense and entrance, maintains and to developments I use it trades them of the structure assuring however the representation and the satisfaction of all the coming from necessities from the customers of the Palace of the Sport, are they associations or sport society, agencies of voluntary service, organizations of cultural events, show and entertainment, like pure the single spectators and frequent visitors”.